
Give Support the Ministry of Celebration Church

We give in response to God’s generous gifts of love and life.  At CSUMC we invite you to share in the joy of generous living and giving by putting God first. There is joy in knowing that what we share makes the real and tangible ministries of CSUMC possible. We grow in faith as we explore ways to serve and we grow in faith as we offer our financial blessings to God through giving. Through the investment of what we have and who we are, we participate in God’s vision and purpose and create an opportunity for God to work through us. 

We ask our church family to return a Commitment Card. It is an act of worship to prayerfully consider giving and make a commitment to serve the Lord financially. Additionally, stating an anticipated commitment helps the church create a spending plan for our ministries, to support the ministries we discern God is calling CSUMC to engage in. You can find our Commitment Card on this page. Simply print it out, fill out the information, and return to the church in person or by mail. 

You can also set up a recurring payment through online giving. Online Giving is the easiest, most cost-effective option for both you and the church. It reduces processing time and staffing needs. It simplifies your giving and ensures that the church receives gifts evenly throughout the year. Online giving also helps you commit your financial offerings to God first before anything else. With one easy step each year you can set up a recurring payment through Online Giving. Online Giving can also be used for other special purposes available on the online giving form. To access our online giving portal, go to the “Online Giving” page.

Ways to give:

At CSUMC we invite you to share in the joy of generous living and giving by putting God first. There is joy in knowing that what we share makes the real and tangible ministries of CSUMC possible.


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(540) 989-3673